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Blog Posts (4)
- Mastering the Art of Living Happily and Peacefully
Being the Master of Living Happily and Inner Peace with These 10 Tips The Ultimate Guide of Unlocking the Secrets to Living Happily and Have a Peaceful Life Unanswered questions and unsolvable problems in life are special to those who live, but being a human requires passing exams. So even if you have a lot of pain, there is someone who suffers the same or more. Obviously, the reason for some of the pain is that it sinks comfortably. So, do you think a woman whose child is suffering from an unrelenting illness will worry about the pain of love for herself? That's why when I feel pain, there is only one prayer in me. Do not let God forget this lesson... Heart pains, heartburn, sleeplessness, forgetting the days when you smiled are inevitable. If everything seems wrong to your eyes again, if it seems difficult to your heart, then maybe these substances I will count will allow you to recover. Easy to tell others, memorized, factory-set items are actually what I count. A person cannot look at himself only from above and unfortunately does not remember what he has memorized. That's why sometimes I want to remind both you and myself. Being human is like owning a luxury car… In it, sitting in the driver's seat and driving the car, you can't actually see the beauty of that car. That's why you need the approval of outside ministers. However, whether they approve or disapprove, the car is beautiful. You just wait for approval because you can't see because you're always sitting in it. For this reason, when you get out of the car, you should sometimes turn around and look at it instead of locking the doors by hearing the “beep” sound as you move forward. It is necessary to remember that you know. That's what I'm doing, my friend; I want us to pay attention to the facts that we know, but we don't turn around and see. The car is beautiful. Even if no one tells you, just know. But as soon as you close the door, don't turn your back to him. That's why now get out of that car, turn your face to the facts that you deserve and that you have earned with your nails, and listen to me like that, okay? Here are 10 tips that will help you master the art of living happily and peacefully 1. It Will Eventually Pass Sometimes the rudeness, rudeness, injustice and brazenness of life make a person feel like they will last forever. Stressful situations such as work-related problems, family problems, love delusions, friendly stakes or the dress you bought with online shopping seems to have been delivered and never reaches your hand tires your beautiful brain. These problems will be lifelong anyway, but none of them will last a lifetime. Will pass. Remind yourself of this, remember that things won't be this bad forever. Imagine that the events that appear in the form of ordinary, simple, comfortable sinking and that you always thought would exist will surely pass. In fact, I am vaccinated with these doses that are too small to make you sick. When the elders come, the body should not collapse. Everything just passes. If a new one comes, we need this thought to be able to face it as well. “That too shall pass! “ A sentence like a drug, like a pill, like a serum, or even like chemotherapy. It even seems to beat cancer. There are even these lines in my last book, "Life is the Exception that does not Aspire to the Pedestal". "Even the most severe pain fades. A great deal of them break you to pieces, and you worry that some of them might never go, while there will also be those that you hoped, that they would never come to fade. Yet inevitably do so. When it's time to assess your pain, you realize that they have turned to potions, that you can rub on all kinds of pain. They will all fade away in the exact same way." 2. Some Things Are Also Going Right When things go wrong, it's hard to understand what went right. It's easy to eliminate the good things and focus only on the bad things. Because this is the game that the brain plays best for this person. You wear a different color lipstick. Ten people will see you that day. Nine of them love it, give compliments. Someone asks, "Has it ever happened? Has it gone to your skin ?” says... Most likely, he is also a soul who is experiencing problems in his personal life, is exposed to criticism and is looking for a place and an excuse to reflect on his unhappiness. And you won't wear that lipstick again. Because when you return home, it will not be the compliments of the other nine people that you remember, but the criticism of that last one. That's it… Ignoring the good things, believing and focusing only on the bad things is a game that our brain plays effortlessly, and while we are angry with people, they see the reason for all the bad things, we take vitamin mineral supplements and ignore the stake that our brain throws at us, which we look at as our child. Don't spoil him, that's why. Know that he can deceive you and intervene. While bad things are happening, think about the positive values that you see as ordinary, or even that you don't see, that you forgot to look at, and remind yourself of them. An asset or talent that seems very small and simple to you, perhaps, is the goal that many people are trying to achieve, a dream. 3. I Can Control Some Things One of the most important things to remember is that you have some, even a little, control over the negative situation you are experiencing. Even if you don't have full control over the situation, there is always something you can control. It is also your attitude and reaction to that event. When you receive the news of a serious illness of someone you love, instead of helplessly collapsing, crying, beating, fainting and sobering up, it is necessary to stand calm and hopeful and upright in order to search for the best doctor and the best treatment within your means, not to upset your loved ones, to provide good energy. Because I experienced this personally. And I can talk freely because I lived when I was very young. We were both the younger of two families when my ex-wife got cancer. We were about the same age. I am 28 he is 29… And even though I was very, very scared, I chose the second method and I didn't shed a drop of tears and I was cheerful, hopeful, solution-oriented. I'm still surprised at how I was. God gives you the power to do the right thing. And indeed, a patient who they said we could lose in two months if he didn't respond to treatment has recovered. Maybe that wasn't the reason. We have seen a lot of people who are positive and very positive about this disease. But I already said that if we don't have control after all, when I started explaining this article, but to make the process bearable is to manage what is happening inside of us. Your attitude, your attitude also affects your environment in such processes, and although your hope is broken, sometimes remember that there is never any need to break the hope of others. I got divorced 7 years ago. I know, you were wondering, weren't you? My ex-wife is like a butt and she's married. May God always make him and his wife happy. 4. You Can Ask For Help Asking for help can sometimes be difficult. Some unnecessarily proud people are afraid of gratitude. That's one of them, and I'm one of them, whereas it's one of the best ways to deal with difficult situations. This is also an experience where you give your note to people who refuse your request for help or don't care. Proud people who don't ask for help often like to look strong, so they can't gauge the reactions of people they're in touch with in a moment of crisis because of their lack of gratitude. But if it's every difficult situation that happens, tell people what you need, especially the one who offers to help. The mind is superior to the mind, and someone who has been through the same experience will be more effective for you than many therapists. If you need help with a financial back exit, support, emotional support, or even to open a jar, call your friends and family and ask for help. That doesn't make you weak. This makes you a person who ignores his ego when he needs the support of others and gives the people he asks for help the opportunity to make people feel important and want to do something for them. As I said. A negative response decorated with cheap excuses that he will get when he wants will not make him lose anything. On the contrary, it also determines the place of one or a few selfish parasites in your life who don't even pee on the injured finger. You know what they say? One face of the one who wants, two faces of the one who does not give are black. 5. Will This Problem I'm Having Make Sense Next Year? Most of the problems we are worried about today will probably not be important in a year's time, in fact, in a month's time. Remind yourself that this process, in which something is going wrong right now, is only a small percentage of your life span. Even if you are dealing with a big problem such as severe illness and the pain of death, everyone in this life will witness the death of someone they love very much one day, and everyone continues their life after a while. He can't die with the dead, even if he wants to. May God grant a sequential death to wool. I think he would be embarrassed that every problem other than these is considered a problem. Don't go over your poor problem. 6. I'll Take Care Of The Feeling The lack of confidence experienced in facing difficult times, meeting and then handling them can cause stress, which will make the difficult times even more difficult. One of the best things to remember is that the strength to cope with difficult situations exists in your brain and in your heart. Even if you don't believe it, your factory settings are like this. Even if you feel angry, hurt, disappointed, or sad, it won't kill you everyday troubles. Work, love, career, boss, friendships, pickets, backstabbing, scams, slanders and related traumas go away. The important thing is your attitude to face them. It is he who is permanent and he is the one who creates the stress. Are you going to say, "I'm done," or am I going to take care of this too? My readers are kind-hearted, but they are very strong, so I know your answer. You can handle it and you know you can handle it 7. There Is Also a Good in This I burst out laughing as I took note of this item. In my heart, I said Nilgun, you are 46 years old, “No, there is,” and interestingly, you have seen the good of every negative event, but well, I won't see it anymore. I'm exhausted from seeing No. Joking aside, no matter how bad a situation is, I'm sure something good will come out of it. It is fixed by experience. At least don't call it a poor consolation; I believe in it a lot… You will probably learn a life lesson, and believe me, it is very important; experiences that are heard, listened to, not played in the ear, but experienced personally. At least you learn not to repeat the same mistake in the future. Even that's enough. There is only one thing that happens to you when bad things happen and there is no situation to make an effort. there are necessarily good things that can arise, and think not about the trouble, but about the surprises that it will bring. There is a very beautiful saying. It will fit this item very well. A saying of Socrates. I like it very, very much: “Be sure to get married. If your wife is good, you will be happy, and if she is bad, you will be a philosopher.' 8. Accepting What Is Out of My Control Is Healing Of course, there are many things that are not in your control. And this is the quirk of life., sometimes passes tangentially, sometimes pierces. You can't change your past, another person's behavior, or a loved one's health problems. Don't waste time trying to force others to change or make things different if it's not in your control. Spending time and energy trying things you can't do makes you feel helpless and exhausted. Acceptance is the art of being able to stretch, bend and bend life. If you stretch, accept, bend when necessary and stand when necessary, you will not break. Acceptance is the most healing method in situations of helplessness. When there is a heavy turbulence when you get on the plane, you do not get into the “cockpit” and interfere. You trust the pilot. There is nothing you will do. But you can fasten your seat belt.Like that in life. Fasten your seat belts. Leave the rest to Allah 9. I Have Overcome Difficulties in the Past, I Will Overcome This Too One of the things you need to remember when facing difficulties is that you have dealt with the problem in the past. Do not ignore the difficulties that you have successfully dealt with Decisively. When a person feels helpless, he also feels inadequate. He delves into the psychology of the victim about his whole life. For this reason, remind yourself of all the past problems that you have overcome in such situations and gain confidence in dealing with current problems. A. Because your thinking structure will determine what will happen in most problems. Fighting with a sense of inadequacy and victim psychology is not a struggle. It is a battle in which the vanquished are obvious from the beginning. Bob Marley says: “When being strong remains the only remedy; then you will understand how strong you are.” Sometimes problems are even an opportunity to understand our strength. 10. I Need to Take Good Care of Myself If everything is going wrong, if there is no remedy, if there is nothing to do, if the world is sinking, then at least take care of yourself. Sleep, exercise, eat healthy and don't sit idly by. Find hobbies. When you work on something that you think you have no talent for, you are surprised at the results. I also wrote my third book “ Not Out of Error, but Out of Loneliness“: “We don't have a hobby because we do something very well, we start doing it well because we have a hobby...” Here are yourself when you look better, in a case where helplessly is another chance to not wait, instead of waiting for time to pass looking at the walls and br show you work to improve yourself, you'll be better equipped to deal with problems in the future. It would be easy to say that I waited for the warbler without doing anything, wouldn't it.? Saying I was desperate allows empathy and sympathy to be felt for that person… But don't let others feel empathy or sympathy for you anymore. Hear these things for yourself and look for ways to become a person who walks, albeit slowly, and not crawling. It will not help you to listen to those who say woe woe to you. The problem grows as it is expressed. First, understand that what you think is a problem is not a problem. And then create a person that you will be proud of when you look in the mirror. "Woe woe"s don't make you a stronger person, but even evaluating your crisis narrative to discover your potential makes you a person you want to applaud when you look in the mirror... I conclude my article today with a quote from Charlie Chaplin, the great master of silent cinema, who inspires even today with what he talks about in life, even though he doesn't speak in his films: "The mirror is my best friend, because it doesn't laugh when I cry” Laugh at the mirrors for me today . Don't walk past him. And say well done Decently once in a while. Don't wait for someone else to say it..,. I'm kissing you. Take a good look at yourself in all the mirrors Love, Nilgün BODUR SCHEDULE A VIDEO CONSULTATION INFO ABOUT NILGUN BODUR & HER BOOKS CONTACT DETAILS AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS NILGUN BODUR NILGUN BODUR BOOK QUOTES
- Protecting Your Emotional Well-being: Beware of Manipulators
Who are the people you should be cautious of? What are the red flags of manipulation and manipulators ? How can you protect yourself from deceptive people? 8 Warning Signs of Deceptive Personalities aka Manipulators Hi to all of you, Plenty of people monitor what is posted through social networks or encounter videos on Facebook, YouTube, and various other platforms. From time to time, they might catch phrases buzzing around, words like "gaslighting," "manipulation," "narcissism," "antisocial," ect., yet they're puzzled about what they're actually listening. Probably very few of you have had any knowledge of these expressions whatsoever. I was intending to address the word "manipulation" within these words today. As the phrase genuinely represents the fundamental cause of all the struggles that sad or depressed individuals encounter. It's not love, a job, money, health, etc., believe me; it's something else that makes people unhappy. Those who come across deceitful and cunning con artists end up feeling depressed.. Because manipulation is such a well-known and essential dynamic within all narcissistic, antagonistic, challenging, & lately generally referred as “toxic” connections, I felt that the expression simply fails to receive the consideration that it deserves. And for that reason, I decided to write little more about it in this article. I felt it was relevant to get started with this article's discussion on manipulation by its definition found in a dictionary. According to dictionaries, the verb to manipulate refers to the act of strategically yet inappropriately or fraudulently controlling or influencing a person or a circumstance for one's own personal gain. On the other hand, the dictionary's definition of the word manipulation is the action carried out by the manipulator with the objective to accomplish a desired outcome. Undoubtedly, such a course of action is not beneficial for the greater good that have been influenced by it. But rather than being open and honest about what they want, why they want it from you or exactly why they're in need of your support, these cunning and self-centered people attempt to manipulate you with words and deeds to ensure that you surrender to their requirements or assist them to accomplish their personal goals, all while enjoying a board game they play with your sensitive feelings. The most prevalent approach to manipulate another individual is to instill within someone a sense of guilt, shame, obligation, poor self-worth or not having trust in themselves, uncertainty, worry, and fear of being not good enough. Other than that, it is relatively rare that both the manipulator and the person who is manipulated to be fully conscious of the challenges that the victim experiences. The description of the individual's behavior clearly does not fall under the term manipulation, if they act with intention. Since I'm not acquainted with such academic expression, I rather refer to those people simply scumbags or pricks. Manipulators who rack in the most vulnerable areas we all possess with the goal to achieve their needs. A manipulative individual finds it extremely simple to exert influence over others. It is like a hobby. If the act is done consistently, with priority, and in sufficient time, the results get more and more exceptional and sophisticated. And, especially if the individual in an intimate connection finds out that the other party has a fear of separation or abandonment, he certainly will enjoy toying around with that anxiety. And once you distribute the reactions that that they seek out of this game, namely contempt, rage, or apathy the game's winner becomes obvious. Because such responses tend to be one of the most apparent indicators that the manipulation is working. These techniques function efficiently with respondents as they tend to be easily swayed sensitive and caring, empathetic individuals who would prefer to prevent whatever causes discomfort for them. Stated differently, instead of feeling remorse such individuals devote all of their precious time, funds, love, physical labor, as well as sacrifice for those in their immediate vicinity in order to ensure that their actions do not upset them and avoid situating others in a difficult circumstance. In my humble opinion, people do their hardest to repress feelings of guilt the most. Even if it's only a mispronounced word, people almost never want other people to feel bad about themselves. Assume that you have put in time and effort, formally invested in the stock market, and have been patiently waiting for the value of your shares to increase. It is possible, though, that a certain stock might close its books for good. However, there is a chance of both big profitability and shutting the board of the same stock. It's the stock market; investing in it carries risk. And in that relationship, the master manipulator says, "I adore it when you hang out with loved ones. But when you put in too much effort, you collapse. On the one hand, you have a full-time job. This intensity wears you out very quickly. I believe it will be beneficial for me to step aside in this manner. Pretending to be a burden to the other person adds another load to the load of the person. While a person in a difficult situation is struggling in that difficult situation, a new problem is created for him, and he is now forced to choose one of them. He was happier with one burdain. What just happened? Now all of this falls within the scope of what I would call negative manipulation, the person manipulates us by playing with our fears or weaknesses, even small things… Our fear of letting people down is actually letting us down, we don't realize it. This is more of an abusive, cruel, but average type of violent manipulation. But there is also positive manipulation, but again the person serves his personal interests by making the other person feel positive. This is a kind of gassing manipulation. Don't look at what I'm saying positively, this is what is called bias, flattery and flattery. In fact, there are several methods for you, let me give examples in your mind so that you can understand that you are being manipulated in this business. 1- They Make the Other Person Doubt Themselves. For example, if I need to explain this article, people who use the sentences “you said ya” or “No, I didn't say that” very often will take you out of your own reality it makes you doubt. I mean, first they make you crazy, then they call you crazy. We can say that insecure people who enjoy playing puppets, who enjoy managing puppets excessively, drive you crazy and lower your self-confidence so that you can get down to your own Junkets. so they equalize the level. 2- They are Experts in Trapping the Other Person in a Guilt Trap. There are also methods for this, let me convey them to you in one sentence. To suggest at every opportunity that you are not doing as much work as they are doing themselves. Constantly stand up for the mistakes you made in the past Reminding them of the good they have done for you in the past and making you feel that you are “indebted” to the 0ns. Pretending to be angry and angry, but then denying that there is a problem when we ask them In short, to engage in passive-aggressive behavior 3- They Benefit from Kindness, Compassion and Your Ethical Behavior to the Bottom. It is interesting that our plus features, which should be, unfortunately, are the features that are most quickly smelled by manipulators. But they use it not to praise you, but to exploit you The proverb in Turkish that he who gives his hand cannot take his arm is actually a beautiful description of emotional manipulation. You feel good because you are doing good, that's a good thing. But the traumatic part of it is that one day you realize that they're not around when you need them. That's why I say don't expect goodness when you do good, because you won't experience the goodness and badness that you don't expect. Even if you cannot afford the possibility of ingratitude, do not do good, because kindness is the most quickly punished crime in our social justice system. 4- Knowingly Spreading False Information And your reputation management is done by them, this task is not done very well. Usually such people make critical comments about you, treating the environment before you, as they prepare the case before stealing the minaret. This creates prejudice in people. When you feel the negative energies from your environment over time, and on the other hand, when you want to tell what you are experiencing with that person, you will not find the only person around you who believes in you. The worst part is that the reaction or indifference you receive from the environment in general, that is, lack of reaction, again causes you to question your faith in yourself, and Buddha again brings with him feelings of worthlessness and lack of self-confidence. 5- They Never Commit A Crime And Do Not Accept The Crime Moreover, if there is a crime belonging to them, which I applaud for their abilities, they somehow convince people that the crime committed was committed against them. This is called victim psychology, which I hate. Agitation, which we call agitation, is the most important feature of the personality disorder type, also called hidden narcissism, which attracts attention with the psychology of the victim, which is played on the mercy of the environment of people and which we do not realize very much 6-They Are Good at Hiding Their Manipulative Traits. Have you seen a manipulator with a sign around his neck? He has excellent abilities in disguise. That's what makes them even more powerful. Of course, they are aware of the possibility that they could be caught doing this shit. I'm talking about those who specialize in this. Again, I come to the sentence I just said, because they have played many minarets before, they keep the case ready and even redundant. 7- They Make Everything They Do Look Normal In fact, they are very shocked and surprised that you see what they are doing wrong. The scary part is that I have the ability to convince, I did it because of my former profession, because of my personality, but if you use something wrong, if you think it's the right one, the wrong one, the other one, and if you convince him of that, the person starts questioning himself again. Summary societies full of victims of poor people who see themselves as strong by making the other person powerless 8- They pretend ignorance This is usually used as a last resort. In other words, because they have their mistakes on their faces and when there is a very clear mistake, is that how we saw adam, by God, I don't know at all, they use words like you understand such things out of decency, or when they ask you for something, why you don't do it, they say, I don't understand, so ignorance is their most powerful weapon. In fact, ignorance in general is an atomic bomb. I usually close after counting the items, but I want to draw attention to one topic in a nutshell. It is not so difficult to realize the negative energy of the person who constantly eats you, and the evil that can come from them will not surprise us much. Due to the constant increase in the need for approval, which tires my mind, of course, it has increased due to social media, which I call positive manipulation, which exploits us and traumatizes us by flattering us by praising us and making us feel good, and even making us unable to predict the evil that will come after, whereas the type of manipulation that is very negative. For example, praise is meaningful for me when it is very sincere, but when that praise is used in the interests of the praising person, it is the dictionary equivalent of psychological violence. To be praised is a very beautiful thing. I would like to explain this topic by giving an example. For instance, for someone who you never thought you didn't care about material things, and even praising you all the time about it, one of your personality that you want to borrow money from you after a short time we praise praise you're gonna yakistirdin your own favorite, and the person set to disappoint, or maybe to prove yourself to yourself, normally you wouldn't give owes you a fucking smile. You would even be proud of yourself. But because of the same story, maybe that debt, which was said to be paid back after a month, when it is not paid back, you cannot ask for years. Praised so once I notice, I wonder he raves, so tell us a little pampering things, we think it suits us, but that actually clings to us, adjectives, idioms tantalizing our chests, consumables and unrequited love, or being exerted in the interests of working? This technique is more likely to appear in bilateral relationships during the sweet months and honeymoon phases, they can compliment your appearance, compliment your knowledge, career, experience, conversation, opposite your eyes, everything, but they do it to get them something they want in the future. Emotional people, to such behavior, cannot remain indifferent. Oh, my dear, what a nice guy you are, how sweet, they say. I always say, praise is swelling, and don't be deflated by the place. In fact, the issue that comes into play here is the excess of the need for approval. Because we know ourselves and we know that if we, our physics, our character, our careers, our conversation, our grace, our compassion, not to prove to others, but our own inner peace in order to check out the mirror for excellence and bottom, with a clean heart, if we can show what we can, so in order to see ourselves in the eyes of others if we are to be in need of, We don't see ourselves with unrealistic and exaggerated praise, any more than we have. Because if the eyes and words of others will affect us so much, their mouths are not bags so that you shrink; the person who praises your physique and sees that you like it a lot, one day when you gain weight, criticizes you about it, if he realizes the need for his eyes and words, he knows that the first criticism he will make will hurt you very much. Here is the value that is sometimes given to compliments, loads of value to the scribes. And our brain is so ungrateful that it remembers not praise, but blame. In fact, especially in our country, in bilateral relations, marriages, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously learned through the experience justifies it works manipulation exerted in the honeymoon phase of marriage in the sense raves. And I think the one who says ”one", that is, the first one who applies it, is the manipulator, and the other one is the manipulated one. I'm saying that people favor themselves, or my recent videos are always, those who feel that some sentences are useful to them instinctively make a habit of using those sentences. This is a manipulation that we can all do. If the lies a mother tells to feed her child vegetables and the games she makes work, it can become a habit. And here the mother is thinking not about her own interests, but about the health of her child. In other words, the person who has the power of persuasion and shows it by looking out for the interests of the other party is the one who uses it for good, even though he has the ability to manipulate. So superheroes are the ones we love because they use their powers to serve the good. If they used the same power for evil, we wouldn't respect their power and expect them to be disgraced by our hero at the end of the film. The forces are equal, but the goals are different, and they change the fate of the film, right? In other words, manipulation is a positive trait when used for a good purpose, but unfortunately, because the human instinct thinks less about the other side and is more selfish, it can also use it for its own interests. Let him use it, of course. But surely he should think about the consequences for the other side, right? Abuse of manipulation is actually the issue that we need to pay attention to, and if negative manipulation and positive manipulation harm the other party in the long term, this is a dangerous situation. In fact, we can think that some of them are done unconsciously, while others do it calculatedly, right, so the negative also has degrees. It is not possible to know and understand this because if a person has acquired this habit, if you are doing it consciously and planned, most likely, when we face that person, he will say that I am not aware of it, and if someone does it unwittingly, he will say that I am not aware of it. So the solution to this is once you realize it, because you stop questioning yourself, feeling ashamed, or swelling up with too much praise. In other words, compliments are concepts that you can eliminate by filtering what is said to you, by knowing yourself, by knowing what is what, that is, by looking at yourself a little from above and from the outside, in short, by increasing our awareness. After realizing this, there are two things that can be done. First a nice confrontation with the manipulator, then I don't know if we don't know if it's an excuse or not, I don't know if I'm sorry to hear the sentence, and also to give another chance to understand the sincerity and sincerity of this Essence. Because if he is not aware of it, if he values the other person as much as himself, he will not make this move again. But if he is doing it consciously, he will continue to increase the dose after this confrontation. But if he didn't hear you, or if he didn't understand, there's a very good proverb, you know, You won't decorate your face with the word Sahara Orb and you'll leave there. It's not what upsets me is usually less people the awareness, awareness, although it is necessary in the face and now he's been doing the same face over and over by decreases in the value of stocks in the stock market to be unable to accept the fact that you can't get enough of wrestling defeated by because unfortunately so with awareness and manipulated like a puppet by someone ozguvensizlik is to move on. It's not important not to know in this business that upsets me, but not being able to apply after knowing destroys a person. The living dead is like that. The worst part is that the living dead live because they bite others and spread like an infectious disease, unhappiness contagious unhappiness, do you know how it turns into a tram, even knowing unhappiness, by being exposed to it accordingly. Please take care of yourself and if you know people like the ones I described in this article, either remove them from your life or don't become their victim if they will take part in your life… Love, Nilgün BODUR SCHEDULE A VIDEO CONSULTATION INFO ABOUT NILGUN BODUR & HER BOOKS CONTACT DETAILS AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS NILGUN BODUR NILGUN BODUR BOOK QUOTES
- 10 Warning Signs of Envy
Envy: A Silent Poison That Harms Relationships How can envy damage relationships and friendships? 10 telltale factors indicating that you happen to be envied are detailed down below. These warning signs that you shouldn't ignore might indicate that someone is jealous of you. With these ten indicators, you won't be able to stop someone who is envious of you from feeling the way they do, yet you may avoid feeling unpleasant regarding yourself as your aren't convinced that other people may be genuine as a consequence of specific factors within your relationship with them. I discussed the warning signs of friendship envy piece by piece within a blog post I put together in the recent past. I wanted to expand over some of the content as well as add fresh perspectives after I went back and watched a couple of my previous videos as we were decoding them as part of a project. Additionally, I sought an opportunity to speak briefly with you more about envy more broadly this second time, not just solely friendship animosity. I also wanted to address some of the mental and/or physical consequences that almost always result in therapy sessions for the recipient, or, if one wants to phrase it more simply, the victim, instead of the the person who is the main cause of that discomfort. The obvious indicators of this very nasty sensation defined as envy, that is typically sensed by individuals who have severe anti social personality disorder, are only able to be realized once it manifests in conduct. For example, a young person who has never attended college may decide to do so after witnessing someone close who completed their studies move on to pursue an upper management position, he understandably may find the status he has achieved.admiring Although envy is a strong motivation, naturally Although envy is a powerful motivator, the outcomes might not always be the same. Nevertheless, he decided on the right choice for his own benefit without harming anyone else—on the contrary, by accomplishing a goal and behaving in line with that aim, he acted very etchically In any case, the outcome is never guaranteed. Who knows what will happen. Let's imagine he couldn't achieve the same position, and when he saw the person he respected, he commenced to feel miserable and grew irritated towards the same individual for no apparent reason. The person who experiences this sensation ought to get back to it to analyze it as soon as possible since such a feeling, although seems at first to be completely human, may eventually transform into an increasingly pathological condition. Everything he does, everything he says starts to weigh him down, and even if the other person supports him, further lends him cash, offers him guidance; he starts to think "his arrogance has gone through the roof, and he's cocky, he's just doing it in order to manipulate, he's showing off", ect. He may not realize that his mental process gradually starts to operate with a devious side that is designated to serve his thoughts regarding such imaginations... In case he is able to handle the issue without offending the other party and keeping him from further doubting himself in the days to come, he honestly says: "I feel that I'm battling with troubling ideas, and the more that I face you, the more I think about my shortcomings. Let's reduce the time spent together and allow me to get back to you, when I feel ready and when I get rid of these thoughts,” In an ideal world, that is exactly what a person should do. Considering there aren't many examples of such, I hypothesized that such an ideal scenario might demand a less complicated approach. Even if he has to make the other side question "what the hell is going on" , he should simply get out of his life... But, as I already mentioned, this is not a particularly ethical manner; but even if the method causes pain to the other party and leads him to question himself, the discomfort or injury, if any at all, could subside with time and there wouldn't be any noticeable effects later in life. Both parties will be able to process the issue personally through stillness and tolerance. However, if this approach fails to be selected, and especially if you're in an intense connection with the individual who you are envious of, you are going to witness the absurdity of a contest called "I am not envious, he is terrible!" which your mind plays with yourself and which you think is legitimate, yet frequently questioning its accuracy. But, probably, due to the fact that you aren't able to tolerate such unjust existence due to the game you created, plus since it's hard to dispute, you keep anticipating in the game, that has become your world's reality. And you start to seek for validation by the others regarding this made-up and stupid game in order to feel widely accepted by everyone else surrounding you. Instead of perceiving yourself as an underachiever or simply embracing disappointments, accepting the praise of this mental game leads to you to judge high achievers poorly which can be severely destructive. Because you cannot accept and move past life's upheavals and inequity, while it can be extremely challenging to keep pursuing regarding your own personal goals, you start to share your mental game with other people. in fact, there’s plenty of time given that you will cease walking and begin to follow another person's path at some stage. Most of the time, the prosperous person remains oblivious of these. Possibly he isn't even conscious of the fact that has been successful. He's simply walking, maybe for the reason he's scared that once he ceases, his imagination would begin playing games with him likewise. Who knows? This is precisely the moment when the deceitful statements which render the achiever look bad commence. There is another possibility. Someone else in the same situation can begin playing these games without admiration, without putting any effort, that is, without even experiencing the "inspiration" phase that I pointed out so that he may study and hustle to become like him... He was ready to seek for and discover new players to play the game with him, and finds a very firm audience, but which was tragically blank.… When the audience is also devoid of value, they'll score lots of goals as a team against the vacant net of the team that lack a defensive unit nor the goalkeeper... If the sole representative of the opposing team decides to go out onto the field to assess the situation, he will likely be shown a red card by a person he had no idea that he happened to be the referee... They additionally present him the empty net, which is in shambles due to the goals that were scored, and then send him away.... But every single one of them are in their own shadow. Whatever they obtain doesn't qualify as a win for them. Because no one has played with them. It is hard for them to live their lives with the sense of accomplishment of the scored goals towards a vacant net during a game that has no opposing team. As a result, they keep on searching for abandoned nets in the following days... However, at least the unaware player of the losing team has a net that belongs to him, even if it has been vacant, where aimless and envious others could score goals. However, the uninformed member of the losing side holds a net that is his, regardless of whether it might have been vacant wherein irrational and envious opponents might have scored goals. Envy seems to be just a meaningless game in which the envious individual is totally oblivious and encourages other people to join in the fabricated game invented by the wicked side of his brain, but sadly, in spite of the empty victory that was thought to be gained at the end of such a match, the despised individual's heart and soul, such as his net, has remained in tatters. Envious souls, on the other hand, will be left with a devoid triumph to treasure. At the same time, the opponent starts putting up an entirely new net..Who knows, maybe now that he's learnt his lesson, he'll be able to find a skilled defender and a competent goalkeeper. He additionally possesses no urge for scoring goals since he just likes to play by himself. He undoubtedly generated a good deal through the crooked game.He has come to understand that if he wants to stay away from losing unforeseen matches in the days to come, he must employ a strong defense. Strangely, envy is possibly solely helpful to the very souls that it's tearing apart... I wanted to go over the "signs of envy" in this article to help those who need to establish their defense in advance of the moment when their nets fall apart . And I feel compelled to add each time I refer to a sign of destructive conduct. Please do not look for such signs in far surroundings. People you don't have any concern for are unable to harm you. The extent of the harm caused is proportional to the worth that you put for the person involved. The deepest scar is created by the one who is dearest to you, or, to put it another way, by the person you think is the dearest to you... So allow me to start by naming 10 of the traits a person who is extremely envious or resentful of you may display. With the goal to expand the level of your awareness. 1- Jealous People Underestimate Your Achievements As obviously, these are the individuals with deprived self-worth; their sense of being not good enough contributes to a tendency to perceive other people's achievements as threat. As a result, they try to divert people's focus away from their own accomplishments and put a great effort to minimize them. This is the only way they can elevate individually. Diminishing someone else's achievements helps them overestimate their own low self worth t A envious individual won't ever consider whatever you accomplish as being excellent. He will denigrate the things you've achieved along with everything that you're proud of. Instead of cheering you for what you've accomplished, they try to discredit it while making you feel like this is indeed actually true. So, if you are happy and express it, they are going to persuade themselves, the ones around you, and even yourself that there's absolutely nothing that you should feel happy about in your miserable life. 2- Jealous People Talk Bad About You You don't expect a jealous person to say something nice about you to others, or do you? They will talk, they will even talk like caring about you, but very worried about your recent mental breakdowns. And the poison of their snake tongue will settle into the subconscious of others. If incase you somehow hear about their concern and you confront them, they will convince even you of the virtue and nobility of their intentions with the instinct of feeling experienced snakiness. It is not important what is said, but how it is said. And when he tells you how he said it, probably you will be convinced as your heart wants to be convinced of good intentions of your loved ones. If what they gossip around is half true, it's still a major problem because your trust has been betrayed. But they usually lie, and this time it already carries the nature of slander and is a crime even by law. But they also really like to start and spread false or true rumors because they don't have a topic to talk about. Because they have made their careers specializing in gossip, sedition and slander, it is not possible for him to tell you about a book he has read or a movie he has watched, a hobby, charity work he has done, a state of feeling he has experienced about a person he is in contact with… Because these things do not exist in your life. Because lying takes a lot of time. The right is easy. You know, and you say it ends, but when a lie becomes a career, and it takes years for a person to set up, manage, branch out, get stuck, it takes time and requires follow-up. Because it is necessary to show care and effort so that it does not come out right. It is an admirable labor to kill what is not, and also to raise it and make it live. And why would they do that? As you can imagine, since they can't be good themselves, they make you believe that they have expenses by doing worse, first they convince themselves, and then they choose from idiots who have no insight and are tempted to believe the lies they are told, and their numbers are also quite high in the realm of el 3- Jealous People Compete With You in a Race That You Don't Even Know About Jealous people challenge you from among them and put you in an undeclared race because they carefully fictionalize you quietly again among them. They organize illegal matches without the knowledge of the federation with their opponents who are not even in the same league as them and who are unaware of their competition. Maybe even willingly loses the match because that opponent does not know that he is playing a match or feels that he is in a match, but thinks that the result will not affect his own league. He even rejoices in his defeat, because he feels that he has made the other side happy. For this reason, they turn a blind eye to fouls, tricks, goals scored with their hands during the match... making someone feel good is a greater reward for them than goals scored and a match won. The purpose of a person whose brain has been burned out by jealousy is to try to see and show that he is weak and himself strong by scoring an empty goal again… I always say to see and show. Because if others don't see their victory and congratulate and approve, they will be afraid to doubt at some point the absurdity of Deconstructing a match that doesn't exist, playing in that match and ultimately winning. I told you, he wants to lie. Does he want it to be wasted on the lies he has built his life on, who has worked so hard… 4- Jealous People Criticize You in Order to Destroy and Intimidate You. It doesn't matter how hard you work to achieve something or how talented you are for them. A person who is jealous has only one feeling for you, and that is jealousy. But it is such a complicated feeling that they can't give it another name in the rush to name it something else. I'm jealous, I don't officially say either to yourself or to others. For this reason, they load a lot of lies and biased emotions into their minds, brains, behavior, decisions, words, hearts for you... There is no room for other emotions in their bodies… As a result, in order not to have difficulty creating these biased feelings, they will also see you as a scoundrel who is always doing wrong, treating them badly, cocky, incompetent, ugly, but just lucky… But if they think a little, they will find it. If they knew how unlucky someone who is so close to you, the person you love unconditionally, trust, share everything with you, work in your relationship, and you don't know because he never shares his vile thoughts with you and keeps laughing in your face, as well as unannounced matches, is actually added to your struggle in life, they would pity instead of envy... And they wouldn't understand that you're very unlucky, but I said, their brains have crossed the intelligence line due to the complexity of jealousy...That's why you look lucky in their eyes. Their brains are burned somewhere on the journey… And here they want you to learn by constantly telling you that you're not really shit by criticizing and scolding, and they reinforce your information with repetitions they make to make sure that you know or haven't forgotten. For them, this is a great effort they are making for you, and you are stealing their precious time even though you are not shit. And they will leave no room for the possibility that you will not understand these blessings because they put them in the eye. You should be grateful. You don't want to be shit and be ungrateful, do you? Even in these criticisms, they often think that they are making you get hurt by comparing them to themselves or others. Because they have compared themselves to you and suffered great injuries in time. They think that what is in front of them is like themselves… After a while, they feel that you are not injured and increase the dose, and unfortunately, in the end, what you say that you love gets into your subconscious... And the suggestions you make to yourself are added to the struggle you are having with life… Let go of everything, when someone you love criticizes you, even trying too hard to look good to him is enough to get tired, exhausted… 5- Jealous People Give Illegal Compliments Since jealousy is typically a result of low self-esteem, usually a person avoids perceiving their own self. Who wants to see the bad in himself? Those who are jealous of you develop various methods to mask this feeling. Sarcasm is one of them. They can't even give you a real compliment for crying out loud. Do people who think that you have achievements and beauties that you don't deserve want to make you feel good? They try to make it a cleverly disguised insult when they feel the need to compliment. For example, you change the model of your hair and they don't say it's terrible, especially if you're in a crowded group and everyone is saying how much it suits you at that moment. They also know how to save their negative reviews for the moments when you start. Isn't it exhausting? In the absence of sincerity and reality, the big shift in life is actually evil and envy. For example, they say, “Look, it looks great. If you had done this without your husband cheating on you, he wouldn't have gone to another woman.” 6- Jealous People Steal Scenes The last thing a jealous person wants to see is the spotlight turning on you. Seeing you full of confidence and attracting all the attention can cause them to lose their minds in a real sense. They certainly can't stand it. These feelings are caused by the short-circuited and burned points in their brains that are uncomfortable with something that is not in them, talent, knowledge, love, money, as well as being in someone else. I tried to explain it scientifically this time. I hope I did it. They can't stand to hear about other people's success, let alone their money, peace of mind, or even their dreams. 7- Jealous People Are Also Curious Jealous people are always poking their noses into your business. They follow everything that happens in your life. It's like they have to know everything that's going on with you, even if you're barely in touch with them, they take your secrets from your mouth and you give them away... I already said that these jealous people are already the closest of the envied people... the reason why the envious one creates trauma and the jealous one spends so much effort and makes sabotage plans is to be close anyway. And this curiosity and the questions posed to you afterwards are not because they care so much about your well-being, as you think when you answer. In order to distort and spread it to the environment, they need accurate information about you. The time they spend is for your truths, which they will use in the future to make their lies seem consistent and true. Infrastructure spending, that is... they even add that time spent, like the patience or grace they show you, to the lies they will tell in the future. Of course, what they are really looking for is a simple and human situation with dirt or stains that you can easily admit that you trust them, but their needs are already a speck of dust...They know very well how to make a speck of dust on you into mud. 8- Jealous People Try to Create Meaningless Arguments When you're trying to talk to a jealous person about something simple that you've been through with them, or even telling them about a very ordinary and unrelated incident, if you're going into different topics to prove that you're wrong in some way, placing yourself in the incident, or talking about someone who's been unfair to you, they start acting as a lawyer to that person and it's ridiculous. But the problem is that it is difficult to understand. Because they usually don't think about favoring you in any way, but they think about the other side's justified alternative reasons and find them. What is interesting is that when it comes to what is happening between the two of you in discussions, these people who have never found your alternative reasons and are acting thoughtlessly, but you accept Decently and still do not stop loving, even when you talk about what a master who comes to your house has done wrong or failed to do, or something like that, they make a better defense for them than a 40-year-old lawyer who has devoted his life to his profession for that master… You think he's trying to soften you up, you don't even think of an alternative bad reason, if it's about the one you love, of course...but the main goal is to prove to you that you're a rude and impervious person who always magnifies problems and sees someone else's mistakes. Fortunately, he impersonates a lawyer. What if he were the judge? You can get a life sentence when you complain about the paints that the paint master spills everywhere and you can't remove them. These people are also known as energy vampires. When they are disappointed in their own lives, these people who act secretive and feed their inner hatred instead of being told, shared, comforted, make that hatred their comfort zone and become unable to look at the situation that no one is in. They want you to be miserable like them. They are afraid that if they give the right, you will relax. They want to be filled with hatred like themselves. 9- Jealous People Love Your Mistakes Jealous people are very afraid of encountering situations where they will have to praise others because they do not have any noteworthy achievements of their own. These toxic people are very relieved when they see that others are struggling with a problem or are miserable. Whether you make a mistake or you have some kind of loss, stop trying to help, they want to be there for you at any moment to hit you in the face. They can't happen every moment, but they have to tell others because. In fact, it takes a lot of time than they will tell honey honey honey. I'm sorry I couldn't call today, honey, when they said, understand, okay? 10- Jealous People Give Bad Advice You will not be able to get well-intentioned, useful advice from someone who is jealous of you. After all, their goal is that you don't get out of that situation where you need their advice. Even if you say your own opinion or decision, they will even cause you to doubt your decisions and yourself about that situation. There will always be jealous people around, and the more successful, rich, happy, peaceful you are, the more there will be anyway. But now that you know the signs that someone is jealous of you, you can decide what to do. I say find them and get them out of your life or at least keep them away. But probably, despite all the symptoms, it will also be difficult for you to understand without being poked in the eye because of that tiny heart of yours that chooses to be blind and deaf when it comes to what you love. If you are people who are angry with yourself, whether you doubt that you love or not, you are among those who know the truth but cannot do it. Nevertheless, even if when you read this article or watch the videos I have shared the links to below, and when these substances become familiar to you, the feeling that I am not alone is enough for me. We may not be able to prevent suffering, but even knowing that we are not suffering alone is a positive step on the way to recovery… That's my only motivation when I tell you this… Proving that I'm not alone and you're not alone… The goal is to heal at least a little bit by not feeling lonely while suffering… When your pain drags you into loneliness, not only the pain is added because of the vultures around you, but also the self-doubt you have because of the negative emotions you are experiencing, and that feeling is very bad… And because you're suffering, you think you're crazy with that feeling of doubt… That's what I told you just so you know. You are not alone… And you're not crazy. You've only come across bad people… Love, Nilgün BODUR SCHEDULE A VIDEO CONSULTATION INFO ABOUT NILGUN BODUR & HER BOOKS CONTACT DETAILS AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS NILGUN BODUR NILGUN BODUR BOOK QUOTES
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